Cincinnati Day of Agile
May 19 2012
8 AM – 6 PM
Miami University Voice of America Learning Center
7847 VOA Park Drive
West Chester, Ohio 45069
Deadline for submissions: 4/15/2012
You are invited to participate as a speaker at the Day of Agile conferences in Cincinnati, Ohio on May 19, 2012. The conference is a regional, multitrack, practitioner conference focusing on educating those new to agile while bringing together intermediate and advanced practitioners. In previous years this conferences has attracted over 300 people. This year the conference will be held at Miami University’s Voice of America Learning Center in West Chester, Ohio.
This is your chance to showcase your ideas and deepen relationships with other agile enthusiasts. A variety of presentation levels from beginner to advanced will be selected on topics related to practicing agile software development. The formats are open and can include workshops, exercises, open spaces, or lectures. Presentations are limited to 1 hour. Sales presentations will not be considered. All speakers will have conference fees waived.
Location Link:
Call for Speakers Link:
Conference Information Link:
For more information, contact:
Jonathan Mills