DATE: Tuesday, December 14, 2010
TIME: 9:00 am – 4:30 pm (EST)
REGISTER: Click here to register in less than 60 seconds!
You gain expert insight in order to ensure your organization has the latest best practices and strategies for implementing your agile projects (psst: it’d cost thousands of dollars to have analyst firms or consulting groups deliver this exact same advice that you can discover for free during our event next week).
Learn how to address common challenges and get proven solutions when it comes to scaling agile development for complex projects, as well as which methodologies are best for large-scale projects. Key topics and discussion points to be addressed in an exciting interactive format include:
— Keynote: Beyond Adoption: Trends in Agile Expansion and Agile ALM with Dave West, Forrester Research
— The Challenges of Distributed Agile: 5 Hidden Hurdles and How to Get Over Them with Lisa Crispin, Independent Agile Expert
— Beyond Small Agile Projects: Scaling Agile Development – Challenges and Solutions with Nari Kannan, Chief Delivery Officer, V-Soft Consulting
— Agile Choices: Approaches and Tools for Large-Scale Projects Panel Discussion
— And more
Take a moment to register in advance
and share with your fellow Central Ohio Agile Association members so you’re sure not to miss out on this unique opportunity. You’ll even have the chance to win an Amazon Kindle or other great prizes!
We look forward to seeing you on December 14!