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COHAA July Events

COHAA upcoming Events:
7/15 7:00 am – 8:30 am Agile PM LIG: Standing up Agile teams, making sure you have the right team and provide the right leadership.
The Agile PM Local Interest Group is a partnership between the Central Ohio PMI and the Central Ohio Agile Association. These events are highly interactive facilitated discussion where you bring the challenges and work with other professionals to devise solutions or engage in healthy debates. (Free to public. Space is limited)

07/28 6:00 pm – 8.00 pm COHAA Evening Meeting:You can’t argue with that! An interactive presentation on using and misusing logic, emotion, and psychology to influence people.
Join COHAA for our July evening meeting presented by Dr. Charles Suscheck. In agile development teams are self directed – there is no formal command and control. As a scrum master, manager, coach, or peer you don’t have the authority to issue orders, you have to influence people, which is not at all easy. This workshop will present key points in logical argument and number ways to spot and counter weak logical arguments. We will also discuss influencing people through emotion and psychology. The workshop will culminate in a chance to show off your newly learned skills to the group.(Free to public. Space is limited)

To learn more and RSVP for COHAA events, please go to:

Other events of interest:
07/11 6:00 pm – 8.00 pm Agile web developmen​t with Groovy and Grails
Grails is a web framework build on top of Java frameworks like Spring and Hibernate and allows developers to build web applications using Groovy programming languages. In this presentation BJ Allmon, Jarred Olson and Kevin Smith will team up and show you how you can quickly build web application for JVM and deploy to the cloud. If you are excited about Groovy/Grails and want to see how you could use at your workplace don’t miss this opportunity
RSVP and more information at Techlife Meetup

07/22 8:00 am – 5.00 pm IIBA Business Analysis Profession​al Developmen​t Day
The IIBA Columbus Chapter proudly presents their first annual Business Analysis Professional Development Day. The theme of “Harmony” will explore the ways Analysts, Project Managers and Quality Assurance can work together effectively and efficiently, always keeping the customer in mind.
Registration and more information at IIBA BAPDD

***Also, if you have participated in one of the recent LIG meetings and would like to post a new question or continue the discussions, check out our new discussion board, Agile LIG Discussion on our website***

Please feel free to spread the word around so that other Agile enthusiasts are aware of these events as well.

The COHAA Board

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Agile web developmen​t with Groovy and Grails

Announcing a new Meetup for TechLife Columbus!
What: Agile web development with Groovy and Grails
When: Monday, July 11, 2011 6:00 PM
Where: Quick Solutions
440 Polaris Parkway Suite 500
Westerville, OH 43082
Click here to read more

Say you want to build your next web application in Java. What tools and frameworks are you going to choose to build your application? The long version of the answer is some web framework + Spring + Hibernate and the short version of the answer is Grails.
Grails is a web framework build on top of Java frameworks like Spring and Hibernate and allows developers to build web applications using Groovy programming languages. In this presentation BJ Allmon, Jarred Olson and Kevin Smith will team up and show you how you can quickly build web application for JVM and deploy to the cloud. They will also share their experience of building a multiple large grails application and how they helped large team of Java developers to Grails.
If you are excited about Groovy/Grails and want to see how you could use at your workplace don’t miss this opportunity.

BJ Allmon is a seasoned agile software craftsman, coach, author, and speaker. Experienced in coaching teams through the full project life cycle. Accomplished author of book “Flex On Java” by Manning. Also written tutorials for IBM DeveloperWorks online resource on various open source technologies.
Jarred Olson is a polyglot programmer/agile coach for Pillar Technologies. He enjoys solving business and technical problems. Above all, he enjoys supporting his team by making testing and developing easier and faster. For the past year he has worked with Groovy and Grails at the enterprise level. In his personal life he enjoys spending time with his fiancé, family, and friends; as well as playing golf, woodworking, and watching OSU football.
Kevin Smith is a senior consultant and coach with Pillar technology and has been working with Java related technologies and Grails. Kevin has been building Grails applications from very beginning for various clients.

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IIBA Business Analysis Profession​al Developmen​t Day

The IIBA Columbus Chapter proudly presents their first annual Business Analysis Professional Development Day. The theme of “Harmony” will explore the ways Analysts, Project Managers and Quality Assurance can work together effectively and efficiently, always keeping the customer in mind.

Please select Read more for details and to sign up

Please join IIBA for the all day event featuring keynote addresses by:
• Kathleen Barret, President and CEO of IIBA
• Richard Larson, Author and President of Watermark Learning
The day will consist of:
4 Track Sessions – Business Analysis, Project Management, Quality Assurance and General Topics

Friday, July 22, 2011
7:00 – 8:00 AM Registration
8:00 – 5:00 Keynotes and Breakout Sessions
7:00 – 4:00 Sponsor/Vendor Area
5:00 Closing and Door Prize Raffle
(Lunch will be provided)

Greek Orthodox Center
30 Spruce Street
Columbus, OH 43215

IIBA members will receive a discounted rate by entering their member number when registering. Please visit the following site to register and more information:

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COHAA March Events: Because Agile is Awesome, and you want to learn more

COHAA is proud to present the following user stories for the March 2011 Iteration:

3/3 7:30 am – 9:00 am AEP – Day in the Life of an Agilist Tour:
Take a guided tour of a functioning agile space. See a real stand up, and have a chance to ask questions. ($10 non-premiere members, Free to premiere members. Space is limited!)

3/18 7:00 am – 8:30 am Agile PM LIG:
The Agile PM Local Interest Group is a partnership between the Central Ohio PMI and the Central Ohio Agile Association. These events are highly interactive facilitated discussion where you bring the challenges and work with other professionals to devise solutions or engage in healthy debates. (Free to public. Space is limited)

3/23 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm Nationwide – Application Development Center:
One of the largest insurance companies in the United States, Nationwide Insurance is the home of a next generation application development center fusing a lean software development framework with agile principles and techniques. In this interactive session… (Free to public)

3/31 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm Overcoming Scrum Buts:
Scrum Buts are obstacles commonly encountered by most organizations during the adoption phases of Scrum. Scrum Buts are reasons why organizations find it difficult to take full advantage of Scrum to solve the problems and realize the potential benefits the Scrum framework can provide. They are cultural attitudes, traditional practices, and excuses for breaking or modifying the rules of Scrum. (Free to public)

To learn more and RSVP please go to:

***Also, if you have participated in one of the recent LIG meetings and would like to continue the discussions, check out our new discussion board, Agile LIG Discussion on our website***

EXTRA CREDIT will be provided to anyone who posts the attached flier in their break room.

The COHAA Board

-And as always, please remember to use Agile responsibly.