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Agile PPM Drinks: Project Portfolio Management

Thursday, September 20, 2012

5:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Cup o’ Joe Downtown

149 South High Street, Columbus, OH (map)

Do you manage a portfolio of projects or enterprise initiatives? How strong are your processes? Where do you need to improve or mature? How are agile development teams or agile frameworks affecting your ability to plan? How do you want your enterprise planning to be more agile?

We’ll answer NONE of these questions! This is just drinks and a gathering of PPM professionals (and enthusiasts (?)) to gauge interest in starting a PPM SIG.

Stop by, have an after-work drink, meet others, get on a list…

Cup O Joe/ MoJoe Lounge on the Commons.
149 South High Street

If you can’t attend (or even if you can), please answer this brief survey to help form the structure of the group.

(Look for us outside if the weather is nice.)