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Agile Coach Camp USA 2011

Agile Coach Camp is an awesome, low cost, non-profit conference where coaches come to network and develop ideas and practices for enhancing agile software development. It’s an Open Space, self-organizing, highly participative conference for leaders and aspiring leaders in the industry. Agile Coach Camps have been held worldwide since the first camp in Ann Arbor in 2008. It is exciting to have this event back in the midwest this year.

This year’s camp will be in Columbus OH, from Friday, September 23 through Sunday, September 25. Friday will be an Agile Games day and the remaining portion of the conference will be Open Space.

Why attend Coach Camp? It is a great place to meet and learn from other people actively involved in agile transformation across the country.
Please check out these conference links for more details:
Agile Coach Camp
Agile Coach Camp Games Day Agenda

Register quickly! Space is limited. (Cost is $40.00 for Agile Games day and $20.00 for Coach Camp.)

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